


Our core expertise is in finding creative but achievable fire-engineered solutions for all types of buildings, 结构和项目,同时尽量减少不必要的成本和对设计师的限制. Our detailed knowledge of fire science and comprehensive understanding of regulatory framework enables us to offer fire safety engineering services at the cutting edge of technology and innovation. Fire safety engineering is a powerful tool to achieve project outcomes that could not be possible under the Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of the building code. 您可以信赖皇家88娱乐的团队始终如一地确定实际, 为您的项目增加价值的原创解决方案.



We consult closely with key stakeholders during the fire engineering process to develop fire-engineered performance solutions essential to achieving BCA/NCC compliance. Working in accordance with the International Fire Engineering Guidelines (IFEG) while also addressing departures from the NCC Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) provisions, we review and identify design opportunities then prepare reports containing appropriate solutions.


Our highly-skilled fire engineers assist in the development of building fire safety strategies and undertake master planning with the latest performance solutions. 皇家88娱乐在资产的生命周期中优化改进, 帮助客户战略性地规划合规性并提高建筑性能. Utilising the latest thinking on fire strategy along with our advanced technical expertise, we ensure project solutions are thoroughly considered from all perspectives and that clients receive the best possible solutions for their building.


当建筑物不符合消防安全要求而被认为不安全时, 发布消防安全令,规定时间纠正规定的问题. Employing a qualified fire protection company to address council fire orders helps ensure that all work is covered by insurance and all aspects of the order are completed. 皇家88娱乐将指导您完成整个过程, contact the issuing authority to fully understand the context and work on a resolution strategy while also implementing the remedial measures required to achieve compliance, 根据您的情况量身定制.


Advanced computer modelling allows us to understand the challenges and find the best solutions for managing your building performance in the event of a fire. 使用计算流体动力学(CFD)进行火灾和烟雾建模, 皇家88娱乐测试安全水平,验证防火系统. This includes evaluating smoke control system performance in corridors and stairways as well as sprinkler system specifications and positioning.
Green electric emergency exit sign on ceiling with blurred background of people at a shopping mall.


皇家88娱乐的消防工程工作使现有建筑物的消防安全升级成为可能. 而不是简单地遵循规定性条款, 皇家88娱乐保持开放的心态,并采用创造性的方法来寻找最佳结果. 正确地确定需要什么, we conduct a thorough fire safety audit and provide a report outlining the areas needing improvement. 消防安全升级包括更新各种消防安全要素, 比如提高建筑分段的防火等级, 安装特定告警, 感烟探测, 洒水装置和应急照明, 或者修改疏散计划.


Buildings must allow people to move freely and evacuate rapidly when there is an emergency. We use 3D computer models and real-time visualisations to demonstrate how the built environment works when a high volume of people are present and predict potential issues. 皇家88娱乐的模拟模拟了真实的环境, 无论是办公楼, 火车站, 机场或运动场. Our fire engineers use evacuation modelling to test and validate building configurations, evaluate alternative options and work out design solutions to achieve safe and efficient evacuation.


Our fire safety design approach allows more freedom for architects to incorporate design aesthetics and functionality while providing developers with greater opportunities to unlock project value. We design facilities and buildings for fire and life safety from first principals rather than using a blanket application of prescriptive requirements. Our fire engineering team has advanced fire engineering qualifications and is certified across all states and territories of 澳大利亚. We also have substantial project experience around the world with the ability to call on our international colleagues.


Train stations, underground systems and road tunnels do not fit neatly into compliance regulations. Drawing on our substantial experience providing fire and life safety design services for major infrastructure projects, 皇家88娱乐可以帮助您遵守相关的澳大利亚标准, 指导您通过迷宫般的设计约束,并响应项目的特定需求, 同时帮助您实现高水平的公共安全.


皇家88娱乐为消防安全案件提供专家证人支持, 包括专家证词, 诉讼支持与科学分析. 皇家88娱乐的经验涵盖恶意意图、建筑缺陷和消防系统. Our fire engineering experts provide significant technical expertise and robust science-based analysis to support your claim, 以及对建筑规范和澳大利亚法规的广泛了解.


利用皇家88娱乐在消防安全工程方面的专业知识, we guide manufacturers through the regulatory framework and help them undertake the testing and reporting required to demonstrate compliance in new building products. 皇家88账户注册包括报告由其他认可机构颁发的代码标志证书.


Our fire safety experts will help you identify and address non-compliant external cladding and facades as well as outline the requirements for rectification works. 确定是否符合NCC政府和理事会的要求, 皇家88娱乐将在现场检查包层, 检查产品文档和, 如果需要, 管理样品测试过程. 哪里的覆层不符合规定, we will advise on options to help you achieve safety compliance and recommend appropriate replacement materials. We can also help resolve claims on non-complaint cladding by preparing litigation compliant reports regarding ACP installed on existing buildings.


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